Category: Events

CCARC Helps out at Scouting Camporee

0 commentsCCARCEventsPublic ServiceAmateur RadioBoy ScoutsClearfield CountyPublic ServiceRadio Merit Badge

CCARC members were on hand on Saturday September 30th to help out at the Boy Scouts Camporee.  The Camporee was held at the Clearfield Airport with several Boy Scout Merit Badges being offered, including the Radio Merit Badge. Participating scouts worked through the required merit badge classroom discussion curriculum and were given the opportunity to ….  Read More

Volunteers Needed to Conduct Boy Scout Radio Merit Badge Course

0 commentsCCARCEventsPublic ServiceAmateur RadioClearfield CountyPublic Service

The Clearfield County Amateur Radio Club is organizing an effort to support an upcoming Boy Scout Camporee Radio Merit Badge course which will be held on September 30th at the Clearfield Airport. They are expecting about 100 scouts from across Central Pennsylvania to attend the camporee. On Saturday September 30th Boy Scout leaders will be ….  Read More