CCARC would be pleased to have you as a member.  All persons interested in amateur radio communications are eligible for membership.

Click here for the Membership Form

Membership Classes

Full Membership

Full membership is open to licensed Radio Amateurs who are full-time residents of Clearfield County.   Full membership includes all club privileges as well as the right to hold club office and to vote for club officers.

Associate Membership

Associate membership privileges are limited. Associate members may not hold club offices, vote on any matter at a club meeting, or participate in any club committee.  Associate Membership is open to those residents both in and outside Clearfield County interested in amateur radio.

Applications for membership shall be submitted at regular meetings.  Membership shall become effective following a vote to accept the application into membership.

All members are required to be in good standing.   Full Membership in good standing shall be defined as anyone who has held a valid amateur radio license for more than twelve consecutive months, has not been removed from club office in the past twelve months, is current with club dues, and is of upstanding character.

Associate Membership in good standing shall be defined as anyone who is current with club dues and is of upstanding character.

Membership dues for 2023 have been set at $0 (zero) dollars.  Free-will donations are encouraged as a means to fund projects and general operational expenses.

Membership may not be denied because of race, creed, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status or any other reason that would be biased or prejudicial.

Please return your completed membership application to: CCARC Secretary, John Szwarc, PO Box 12, West Decatur PA 16878 or present it in person at a CCARC meeting.

Click here for the Membership Form