Tag: EmComm

Distracted Driving Bill Would Prohibit Amateur Radio Operations

0 commentsCCARCUncategorizedAmateur RadioARRLClearfield CountyEmCommSenate Bill 37

On Thursday April 18th the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Atlantic Division Director, Bob Famiglio, K3RF, alerted ARRL members to a Pennsylvania Bill that would impact mobile amateur radio operations if passed.  The text of Bob’s alert is included at the bottom of this post. This bill has been in development for over three years ….  Read More

SKYWARN Exercise Conducted

0 commentsEmCommPublic ServiceSkywarnAmateur RadioClearfield CountyEmCommPublic ServiceSkywarn

On January 24th at 1900 hours a SKYWARN training net was held conducted with net control operations at the State College National Weather Service Office. The W3GA repeater on 146.760 mHz was used for this exercise. Carmine KC3WP was Net Control for this exercise. Stations from Centre neighboring counties were invited to participate. Stations provided ….  Read More

PEMA Activated ACS for Winter Storm

0 commentsCCARCEmCommClearfield CountyDMREmCommPEMAWeatherWinLink

On Tuesday January 9th Clearfield County, as well as most of Pennsylvania, experienced a rather significant winter storm. Forecasts were calling for significant snowfall accumulations followed by wind and rain. At the request of PEMA ACS officials, a state-wide alert was issued and all county ACS teams were placed on stand by status. Local county ….  Read More

WinLink Station for Clearfield EMA Center

0 commentsCCARCEmCommAmateur RadioClearfield CountyEmCommWinLink

Members of the Clearfield County Amateur Radio Club have started a project which will add WinLink capabilities to the Clearfield County Emergency Management Agency’s Communications Center. According to the WinLink.org web site, “WinLink is a network of amateur radio and authorized government stations that provide worldwide radio email using radio pathways where the internet is ….  Read More

CCARC Installs New GMRS Band Repeater

0 commentsCCARCGMRSRepeaterClearfield CountyEmCommGMRSPublic ServicerepeaterSkywarn

The Clearfield County Amateur Radio Club is pleased to announce that a new GMRS service repeater has been placed into service at Rockton Mountain, Clearfield County. This repeater was made possible with the cooperation and assistance of both Clearfield County EMA and Center Communications staff. The repeater is on 462.675 MHz with the receive set ….  Read More