CCARC Considers DMR Repeater Project

John N3SPW brought to the CCARC’s attention the 444.650 MHz repeater coordination at the February business meeting. CCARC holds an “initial coordination” for this frequency from the Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council (WPRC).

After some discussion it was decided that if we were to take on a new repeater project it needed to offer something not already available from the area’s exiting repeaters. Digital modes and DMR became the focus of the discussion.

Currently there is one operational DMR repeater on Rockton Mountain. The 443.000 WR3IRS repeater is operated by the DMR Interstate Network and uses the c-Bridge Network. Our DMR project, should it come to fruition, would also operate from Rockton Mountain but carry the Brandmeister Network. Brandmeister is a decentralized network of master servers. Master servers are different from a c-Bridge but an oversimplification is they both provide similar linking functionality. The Brandmeister name is synonymous with DMR but it cross-links with other networks and digital systems like D-STAR and APRS.

The 444.650 frequency had previously operated in FM mode from a tower on Rockton Mountain under the call sign K3EDD. Prior to COVID Ed K3EDD had transferred the coordination to John N3SPW and filed the appropriate paperwork with the Western Pennsylvania Repeater Council. When COVID struck the repeater council essentially shut down with pending transfer applications unprocessed. When the WPRC reactivated the Frequency Coordinator, Joe W3BC, contacted John N3SPW and asked if we intended to use the frequency. John agreed and a new “initial coordination” was issued. This holds the frequency for us until November 2024 at which time we will need to either occupy the frequency or abandon the coordination.

CCARC members are currently in the process of gathering needed equipment and planning out the construction of the DMR repeater. Various members have offered to contribute equipment and labor to bring this project to completion. There is still considerable planning and work to do. All CCARC members interested in assisting are encouraged to offer their services at the next club meeting.