CCARC Field Day Plans

CCARC will be holding a Field Day event at Harvey N3RTK’s camp near
Penfield. The ARRL Field Day is scheduled to run Saturday June 24 at 2PM
through Sunday June 25th 2023 at 2PM. According the toe contest rules, Field
Day setup can begin as early as 0000 UTC on Friday. Harvey is coordinating
setup activities. The address is 735 Bennett Road, Penfield. All interested
amateur radio operators are encouraged to participate.
Harvey N3RTK has ordered a Buckmaster off center dipole for use at our Field
Day event. The 300 watt version that Harvey purchased will cover the 40, 20
10 and 6 meter bands. It was decided to run a single station for the event.
Members will take turns staffing the station through the contest.
On Sunday afternoon CCARC will hold a the June meeting and picnic as part of
the Field Day event. The picnic will be on Sunday afternoon. It was agreed that
the club would provide hot dogs and hamburgers. Everyone is asked to bring
something to share for the picnic as well as the field day event.