The Clearfield County Amateur Radio Club has begun the process of organizing a hamfest here in Clearfield County. At the November CCARC business meeting it was decided to pay a deposit to the Clearfield County Fair Grounds for use of the Agriculture Building and surrounding grounds. This facility will allow us to host between twenty-five to thirty indoor vendor tables, provide food service, conduct training programs or VE Exam sessions and extend the event into the parking lot with an outdoor tailgating area. Restrooms are also available inside the building.
At the meeting Chuck KM4NSC suggested we form a committee to help with the process. Without objection, CCARC members John N3SPW, Chuck KM4NSC and Tim N3PUL were assigned to the Hamfest Committee.
Following the meeting John N3SPW has since met with the Clearfield County Fair Manager and secured the date of Sunday September 14 2025 for the initial hamfest. Further, should we wish to hold subsequent hamfests the second Sunday of September is penciled into the Fair Board’s rental calendar for 2026 and beyond. Hamfest hours have not yet been set, but a typical hamfest would hold hours of 8 AM to 1PM. These details have yet to be worked out.
The next step is to develop financial and promotional plan for the hamfest. Hamfest Committee members will be working behind the scenes to gather details and explore options. At the December CCARC meeting the committee should have an outline of plans to present to membership as the event details become established.